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University Manual Handling Posters

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This section places obligations on all managers. 'Manual handling' means using your body to exert force to handle, support or restrain any object, and includes not only lifting and carrying but also repetitive tasks. A manual handling task that has the potential to cause injury is a 'hazardous manual handling task'. Manual handling includes computer use and workstation ergonomics.

At Deakin the most common manual handling activity is keyboard work but there are a wide range of other manual handling activities that occur every day such as reloading the photocopier, carrying materials to lectures, sorting, lifting, using tools and handling files. Further information is provided in the, below and on the. A manager must:.

review the. identify any hazardous manual handling tasks by using either the for general manual handling or the for computer based work. See also Managing manual handling below insert link. using the checklist, assess the risks associated with any task identified. eliminate the task if reasonably possible (e.g. Automate the task).

otherwise change something to reduce the risk (e.g. Substitute a lighter load, divide the load, two people to do the task instead of one, provide a trolley). consult with staff about risk management (refer to of this manual). when considering acquisition of plant, evaluate any manual handling risks first and take them into account in the acquisition decision. Victorian legislation requires that all tasks in the workplace involving hazardous manual handling are identified and the risk of injury assessed. Not all manual handling tasks are hazardous.


Hazard identification is the way you can of sift through tasks to find out which ones have the potential to cause injury. Potentially hazardous manual handling involves any of the following:. repetitive or sustained application of force (e.g. Pushing or pulling a heavily loaded trolley). repetitive or sustained awkward posture (e.g.

Carrying out work in a constrained space). repetitive or sustained movement (e.g.

Keyboard work). application of high force (lifting or moving heavy loads) Priority in identification and assessment should be given to routine tasks, tasks carried out by a number of people and tasks that staff have concerns about.


If the task is identified as potentially hazardous, a manual handling assessment must be carried out. Manual handling injuries The above is essentially a preventative approach where you try to identify problems before they occur. However if someone incurs an injury in manual handling or raises concerns about the activity, a manual handling assessment must be carried out by the supervisor or manager. Manual handling risk assessment If the assessment indicates that there is a reasonable likelihood of injury, suitable control or prevention measures must be introduced to reduce the risk as much as practicable. If the hazardous manual handling task cannot be eliminated, standard controls measures include:. Redesigning the task, load or workstation. Providing mechanical assistance or aids.

Providing safe working procedures. Providing training In reality, controls are usually a combination of these measures.

Further information on risk assessment is provide in the and in the Manual Handling section below. Where ever possible, the assessment of manual handling risks and the implementation of control measures must be carried out in consultation with OHS representatives and the staff affected. An element of your Faculty's or Division's must cover manual handling.

Free Manual Handling Posters

The most common work activity at Deakin is computer work. Many staff (and students) spend up to six hours and sometimes longer sitting in front of a computer. And taking regular rest breaks during the day is the best way of avoiding the downside of computer use and reduces the risk of injury. A rest break gives your body the opportunity to relax. It can be even better if you use the opportunity for some light exercise such as a walk around the office:.

Where continual keying is involved a break of 10 minutes in every hour is recommended. The following resources can assist in setting up your workstation:. Short video created by SEBE to assist you in setting up your workstation. Short checklist for. Comprehensive workstation assessment.

More detailed advice about setting up your work station. Laptops and tablets Although laptops and tablets allow much more flexible computer use they are not designed for prolonged use.

If you are using a laptop for more than 30 minutes consider the use of a separate keyboard and mouse. The laptop itself can be used as a monitor. For regular use, docking stations with separate mouse, keyboard and monitor are the recommended arrangement. Sit Stand Workstations Sit stand workstations are one way to reduce the amount of time we spend sitting while at work. Prior to the purchase of a sit stand workstation a risk assessment should be undertaken by the local area supervisor to ensure the new equipment does not introduce any new OHS issues to the workplace. Issues to consider include who will use the workstation, is there a privacy issue for those who are seated, are computer points readily available, will all electronic devices be stable when moving the desk up or down and are any crush points created due to other structures above or below the desk. Consider any other specific hazards in the area. Once the risk assessment is completed and hazards controlled, an order is be placed via for the new equipment.

Facilities Services Division's Loose Furniture Procedure provides advice for those responsible for the selection, purchase and financial approval of new equipment from a panel of preferred suppliers. The following document on Standing Workstations provides more details: Reasonable Adjustments (Accommodations) Where a person has a the University will consider making reasonable adjustments in accord with relevant advice from the treating health practitioner. Contact should be made with the for advice in these cases. Other Resources.

A series of simple, low risk exercises that can be done in the office: put the poster up in your office. Short 2 minute video on adjusting your posture and set-up at work and at home to reduce discomfort and the risk of injury. Link to the Apple ergonomics website which provides detailed information on safety and computer work-stations. Guidelines from the University of Sydney. Managers and supervisors must identify all hazardous manual handling tasks and put into place appropriate control measures. This provides detailed information on how to meet the legislative requirements regarding manual handling. Supporting forms and worksheets.

Manual Handling Definition

(Ergonomics based risk assessment tool for manual handling activities) Useful guidelines, forms and worksheets. United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive: Although based on the UK legislation, this is a practical guide with advice about safe manual handling. Tips for reducing manual handling injuries in the workplace.

University manual handling posters free


Overview Manual handling refers to any activity which requires a person to use force to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any object, person or animal. When conducting workplace inspections, managers and supervisors should look out for any manual handling activities or tasks. These tasks may involve:. lifting and moving furniture,. moving equipment,. pushing loaded trolleys around campus, or. handling large books and files on a regular basis.

University Manual Handling Posters Nsw

Responsibilities All staff have a responsibility to:. identify and take measures to control hazards,. report manual handling task hazards to the supervisor as soon as practical,. participate in consultation process during manual handling risk assessments,. attend training and information sessions as directed by the supervisor, and. use equipment provided to assist with task.

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