Certified Payroll Professional Practice Test For some payroll professionals, the next step in their career is to gain the Certified Payroll Professional credential. However, the Certified Payroll Professional isn’t an exam you can take lightly, so test taker’s should prepare diligently in order to ace the Certified Payroll Professional exam.
To prepare for everything you will see on the CPP exam, check out our Certified Payroll Professional practice test, which contains questions similar to what you will see on the test! However, test taker’s need to know the format of the examination in order to ace their exam, so let’s take a look at the layout of the exam. The CPP certification test contains 190 multiple-choice questions with a time limit of four hours. Twenty-five (25) of those questions are “trial” or pre-test questions that will not count for or against you in the grading of the exam. The number of correct answers completed is then converted into a score with a minimum of 300 needed to pass the examination. With the general format in mind, make the choice to maximize your knowledge preparation by using our free Certified Payroll Professional practice test!
Some example questions from our practice test are available below to kick-start your preparation! Check it out!