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Stranger Study Guide Fourth Grade

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Week of May 1, 2017 Due Date: 4/27/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Coming Distractions on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Coming Distractions SC READY READING May 1 SC READY MATH May 2 Our focus in reading will be text features, infer, summarize key points, provide evidence, draw conclusions, author's purpose and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes SC PASS for Social Studies May 10 PE DAY Tuesday. Week of March 27, 2017 Due Date: 3/31/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Lou Gehrig The Luckiest Man on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Lou Gehrig The Luckiest Man Our focus in reading will be text features, infer, summarize key points, provide evidence, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Focus in Social Studies this week- Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, and Battle of Vicksburg. Assessment on Thursday: women of Civil War, Fort Sumter, Battle of First Manassas, and Battle of Antietam, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, and Battle of Vicksburg. P E Days Monday and Thursday. Week of march 20, 2017 Due Date: 3/24/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The Ever Living Treeon Friday Word Work Study vocab words from The Ever Living Tree Our focus in reading will be text features, infer, summarize key points, provide evidence, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Focus in Social Studies this week- women of Civil War, Fort Sumter, Battle of First Manassas, and Battle of Antietam P E Day Wednesday. Week of March 13, 2017 Due Date: 3/17/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on I Could Do That!

Esther Morris Gets Women the Voteon Friday Word Work Study vocab words from I Could Do That! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote Our focus in reading will be infer, summarize key points, provide evidence, and multiple meaning words DISTRICT POSTTEST will be Monday. Social Studies Study all guides and notes on Westward Expansion and Government DISTRICT POSTTEST will be Tuesday. Our focus in Social Studies this week - Civil War P E Days Tuesday and Friday. Week of February 27, 2017 Due Date: 3/3/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies eading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The World According to Humphrey on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from The World According to Humphrey Our focus in reading will be details, drawing conclusions, infer, summarize, provide evidence, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Dred Scott, Kansas Nebraska Act, Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 P E Day Wednesday. Week of February 20, 2017 Due Date: 2/24/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Sing to the Stars on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Sing to the Stars Our focus in reading will be details, drawing conclusions, summarize, provide evidence, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown. Unit TEST will be Monday 2-27-17 P E Day Tuesday and Friday.

Week of February 13, 2017 Due Date: 2/17/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Our focus in reading will be plot sequence, fact&opinion, compare&contrast, main idea, details, drawing conclusions, summarize, provide evidence, infer, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week -North vs. South, Underground Railroad, Harriett Tubman P E Day Wednesday. Week of February 6, 2017 Due Date: 2/10/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Our focus in reading will be main idea, details, drawing conclusions, summarize, provide evidence, infer, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Mexican Cession, Oregon Treaty, and Review for TEST Unit TEST on THURSDAY Daniel Boone, Lewis & Clark, Z. Pike, Native Americans Trail of Tears, Industrial Revolution, annexation of Texas. Week of january 30, 2017 Due Date: 2/3/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Finding the Titanic on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Finding the Titanic Our focus in reading will be main idea, details, drawing conclusions, text organization, point of view, infer, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Native Americans Trail of Tears, Industrial Revolution, and annexation of Texas.

Week of january 23, 2017 Due Date: 1/27/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Sacagawea on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Sacagawea Our focus in reading will be main idea, details, drawing conclusions, figurative language, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Westward Expansion. This includes Daniel Boone Lewis & Clark, and Zebulon Pike Test will be on Thursday. PE DAYS Wednesday.

Week of 1-16-17 Due Date: 1/20/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Happy Birthday, Dr. King on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Happy Birthday, Dr. King Our focus in reading will be details, drawing conclusions, cause & effect, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Federalists and Antifederalists, Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Westward Expansion. This includes Daniel Boone and Lewis & Clark. Forming New Government test will be on Wednesday.

PE DAYS Tuesday (17) Friday (20). 1-2-17 Due Date: 1/6/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The Right Dog for the Job! Word Work Study vocab words from The Right Dog for the Job!

Our focus in reading will be summarizing, details, sequence of events, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Articles of Confederation, Great Compromise, and 3 Branches of Government PE DAYS Wednesday(4th) and Monday (9th). Week of January 9, 2017 Due Date: 1/6/2017 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Riding Freedom on Thursday.

Word Work Study vocab words from Riding Freedom Our focus in reading will be summarizing, details, drawing conclusions, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study all guides and notes Our focus in Social Studies this week - Federalists and Antifederalists, Bill of Rights, Constitution District POST TEST will be TUESDAY Literacy Night will be Monday during PTO meeting PE DAYS Monday (9th) and Tuesday (17). Week of 11-21-16 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book We are reading about turkeys in class this week. Students will answer questions and match vocabulary words with definitiions. Our focus in reading will be drawing conclusions, make predictions, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study ALL study guides Our focus in Social Studies this week - Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party PE DAY Monday NOVEMBER 28 and Thursday DECEMBER 1 THE COLONY POSTER will be due on NOVEMBER 30, 2016 Information was sent home on November 15th. November 7, 2016 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Ecology for Kids on Thursday (due to field trip) Word Work Study vocab words from Ecology for Kids Our focus in reading will be summarizing, infer, and multiple meaning words Social Studies Study 13 Colonies ALL study guides ASSESSMENT will be Wednesday Our focus in Social Studies this week - Colonies and French & Indian War PE DAY Thursday AWARDS DAY NOVEMBER 9 FIELD TRIP NOVEMBER 11. Week of 10-24-16 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Bunnicula Chapters 1-3 on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Bunnicula Our focus in reading will be main idea, characters, summarizing and author's point of view Social Studies Study Social Studies 1st nine weeks study guide!!!!! Test on October 25 2016 Our focus in Social Studies this week - New England colonies PE DAYS Monday and Thursday PAW PARTY on FRIDAY - Remember extra socks.

Week of October 17, 2016 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The Earth Dragon Awakes on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from The Earth Dragon Awakes Our focus in reading will be synonyms, providing evidence from text, and sequence of events from story First Nine weeks Posttest will be October TBD Social Studies Study guides and handouts on lost colony of Roanoke, Jamestown Pilgrims, and Puritans. Test on New Spain and New France Monday October 3, 2016 Our focus in Social Studies this week - Pilgrims and Puritans Students need to read pages in blue Social Studies book about Pilgrims and Puritans First Nine Weeks Posttest in Social Studies October TBD PE DAY Tuesday.

October 3, 2016 Due Date: 10/7/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The Earth Dragon Awakes on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from The Earth Dragon Awakes Our focus in reading will be synonyms, providing evidence from text, and sequence of events from story First Nine weeks Posttest will be October 6, 2016 Social Studies Study guides and handouts on lost colony of Roanoke, Jamestown Pilgrims, and Puritans. Test on New Spain and New France Monday October 3, 2016 Our focus in Social Studies this week - Pilgrims and Puritans Students need to read pages in blue Social Studies book about Pilgrims and Puritans First Nine Weeks Posttest in Social Studies October 13, 2016 PE DAYS Monday and Thursday. Week of September 26, 2016 Due Date: 9/30/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Me and Uncle Romie on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from ME and Uncle Romie Our focus in reading will be-conjunctions, figurative language, and analyze characters, setting, and events from story Social Studies Study guides and handouts on Explorers. Know the following: DeSoto, Robert LaSalle, Henry Hudson, Columbus, Columbian Exchange, John Cabot, Ferdinand Magellan and Vikings UNIT TEST September 26!!!!!!!! Our focus in Social Studies this week - New Spain, New France, lost colony of Roanoke, and Jamestown PE DAY Wednesday.

Week of September 19, 2016 Due Date: 9/23/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude Our focus in reading will be-verbs, suffixes, make predictions, infer, compare and contrast characters, setting, and events from story Social Studies Study guides and handouts on Explorers. Our focus in Social Studies this week -DeSoto, Robert LaSalle, and Henry Hudson Quiz Thursday September 22 on - Columbus, Columbian Exchange, John Cabot, Ferdinand Magellan, DeSoto, Robert LaSalle, Henry Hudson and Vikings UNIT TEST September 26, 2016 PE days Monday and Friday. Week of September 12, 2016 Due Date: 9/16/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading Read a book or a chapter in a book Assessment on The Power of WOW on Friday Word Work Study vocab words from The Power of WOW Our focus in reading will be-simple sentences, compound sentences, prefixes, infer, make predictions, and analyze characters, setting, and events from story Social Studies Study guides and handouts on Explorers.

Our focus in Social Studies- Columbus, Columbian Exchange, John Cabot, and Ferdinand Magellan PE day Wednesday. Week of May 16, 2016 Due Date: 5/20/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies We are reading Heat Wave in class this week. Here is a schedule of the testing dates for my students May 16 Reading District 4th nine weeks test Polk class May 17 Reading District 4th nine weeks test Strickland class May 17 SC PASS Science Polk (on computer) May 18 SC PASS Social Studies Polk (on computer) May 19 Science District 4th nine weeks test Polk class May 20 Social Studies District 4th nine weeks test Polk class May 23 Social Studies District 4th nine weeks test Strickland class May 23 Math District 4th nine weeks test Polk class Homework- Students will review the study guides and handouts given to them for SC PASS testing. P E days will be Monday and Thursday. Week of May 9, 2016 Due Date: 5/13/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies We are reading Lou Gehrig in class this week. Test will be on Friday.

There will be a test in Social Studies on subject matter reviewed in class on Tuesday. Week of May 2, 2016 Due Date: 5/6/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies We are reading Boss of the Plains in class this week. Test on vocab will be on Thursday.

There will be a test in Social Studies on subject matter reviewed in class on Wednesday. Week of April 18, 2016 Due Date: 4/22/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Marven of the Great North Woods in class. This story is on You Tube. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Thursday or Friday.

Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week. Monday Field Trip Tuesday Review for Unit Test on Civil War Wednesday UNIT TEST on Civil War Thursday Review for SC PASS Native Americans Friday Review for SC PASS Native Americans Topics discussed for this week: Civil War and Native Americans PE day is Wednesday.

Friday is an Early Dismissal due to Rice Festival!!!!! Week of April 11, 2016 Due Date: 4/15/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The Fun They Had in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week.

Monday page 510 We will read in class. Tuesday page 511 We will read in class. Wednesday pages 517-519 We will read in class. Thursday Civil War TEST!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday Review important people of Civil war. Topics discussed for this week-Sherman's March, Appomattox Courthouse, Reconstruction, and Amendments 13-15. PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

Week of April 4, 2016 Due Date: 4/8/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading I Could Do That!!! Esther Morris Gets Women the Vote in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies.


Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week. Monday page 507 We will read in class. Tuesday page 508 We will read in class.

Wednesday page 509 We will read in class. Thursday Civil War TEST!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday PAW PARTY!!!! Topics discussed for this week-Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, and Battle of Vicksburg PE days are Monday and Thursday.

Week of March 21, 2016 Due Date: 3/25/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Goblins in the Castle in class. This novel will take 2 weeks to read in class.

We will finish book on March 25. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week. Monday page 502 We will read in class.

Tuesday Discuss Ft. Sumter Wednesday page 495 We will read in class. Thursday Discuss Battle of Antietam and First Battle of Maness. Friday Topics discussed for this week- Civil War. PE day is Tuesday. MAPS TESTING will continue this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Week of March 14, 2016 Due Date: 3/18/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Goblins in the Castle in class. This novel will take 2 weeks to read in class. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week.

Monday pages 492-494 We will read in class. Tuesday TEST Wednesday pages 498-499 We will read in class. Thursday page 500 We will read in class. Friday page 501 We will read in class. Topics discussed for this week-Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Harriet B. Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Dred Scott, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln, Douglas, and Civil War. PE days are Monday amd Thursday.

MAPS TESTING will start this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Week of March 7, 2016 Due Date: 3/11/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Akiak in class. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week.

Monday Review Dred Scott Tuesday pages 481-482 We will read in class. Wednesday District TEST Thursday pages 484-485 We will read in class. Friday pages 486-487 We will read in class. Topics discussed for this week-Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Harriet B.

Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Dred Scott, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln, Douglas, and Civil War causes. PE day is Wednesday. Third Nine Weeks Social Studies TEST will be Wednesday, March 9, 2016.

Week of February 29, 2016 Due Date: 3/4/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The Ever-Living Tree in class. This story is on Think Central.

Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week.

Complete handouts given during the week. Monday TEST on contributions of abolitionists. Tuesday pages 477-478 We will read in class. Wednesday page 479 We will read in class. Thursday page 480 We will read in class. Friday Celebration for FoCCAS Topics discussed for this week-Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Harriet B.

Everyday Math Study Guide Fourth Grade

Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Dred Scott, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska Act. PE days are Tuesday and friday. Third Nine Weeks Reading TEST will be Thursday, March 3, 2016. Third Nine Weeks Social Studies TEST will be Wednesday, March 9, 2016. Week of February 22, 2016 Due Date: 2/26/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Sing to the Stars in class.

This story is on You Tube. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week. Monday Review Harriet Beecher Stowe Tuesday Review contributions of abolitionists.

Wednesday Review contributions of abolitionists. Thursday Review contributions of abolitionists. Friday Complete study guide on topics discussed for assessment on MONDAY!!!!!! Topics discussed for this week-Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Harriet B. Stowe, William Lloyd Garrison, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and John Brown.

PE days are Monday and Thursday. Week of February 15, 2016 Due Date: 2/19/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Happy Birthday, Dr. King in class. This story is on You Tube.

Everyday math study guide fourth grade

Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for this week. Complete handouts given during the week. Monday No school Tuesday page 472 This page is read in class. Wednesday pages 473-475 These pages are read in class. Thursday pages 473-475 These pages are read in class. Friday Handout is read in class.

Topics discussed for this week-Underground Railroad, slavery, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet B. PE day is Wednesday. Week of February 8, 2016 Due Date: 2/12/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The World According to Humphrey in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies.

Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday Study for TEST on Tuesday. Tuesday TEST Wednesday page 465 This page is read in class. Thursday pages 466-467 These pages are read in class. Friday pages 470-471 These pages are read in class. Topics discussed for test are- Daniel Boone, Lewis&Clark, Zeb Pike, Louisiana Purchase, Industrial Revolution, annexation of Texas, Mexican Cession, and Oregon Treaty.

Civil War will be discussed on Wednesday - Friday. P E Day Wednesday. Week of February 1, 2016 Due Date: 2/4/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Sacagawea in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies.

Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday pages 408-409 These pages are read in class. Tuesday pages 411-412 These pages are read in class. Wednesday pages 432-433 These pages are read in class. Thursday pages 434-436 These pages are read in class. Friday handout on Oregon Topics discussed Industrial Revolution, annexation of Texas, Mexican Cession, and Oregon Treaty P E Days Tuesday and Friday. Week of January 25, 2016 Due Date: 1/29/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The Right Dog for the Job in class.

This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday.

Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday Review for test on Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Westward Movement, and Zebulon Pike Tuesday TEST on Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Westward Movement, and Zebulon Pike Wednesday page 403 This page will be read in class. Thursday page 405 This page will be read in class.

Friday page 406 This page will be read in class. Topics discussed Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Westward Movement, Zebulon Pike, Florida Purchase, Trail of Tears P E Days Monday and Thursday. Week of January 18, 2016 Due Date: 1/22/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Riding Freedom in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for Tuesday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week.

Monday Holiday Tuesday page 372 This will be read in class Wednesday pages 374-375 These pages will be read in class. Thursday Review Westward Movement Friday Zebulon Pike Topics discussed Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Westward Movement, and Zebulon Pike P E Day Wednesday. Week of January 11, 2016 Due Date: 1/15/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Finding the Titanic in class. This story is NOT in think central.

Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week.

Monday pages 354-355 This will be read in class. Tuesday pages 354-355 This will be read in class Wednesday Review for UNIT TEST. Thursday TEST Friday Video on We the People will be in class. Topics discussed ConstitutionalConvention, Great Compromise, Three Branches of Government, and Federalists & Antifederalists, Bill of Rights P E Days Monday and Thursday.

Week of January 5, 2016 Due Date: 1/8/2016 Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading Ecology for Kids in class. This story is on Think Central. Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday Tuesday page 347 This will be read in class Wednesday pages 348-349 This will be read in class.

Thursday pages 352-353 This will be read in class. Topics discussed Great Compromise, Three Branches of Government, and Federalists & Antifederalists P E Day Wednesday. Week of December 14, 2015 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The Best Christmas Padeant Ever in class.

This story is on You Tube. (List book title and chapter) Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Thursday. Read a book at home every night.

Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies. Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday pages 344-345 These will be read in class. Tuesday page 346 This will be read in class Wednesday District Post Test Thursday Articles od Confederation, Constitutional Convention PE Days Wednesday DISTRICT TEST( 2nd Nine weeks) SOCIAL STUDIES DECEMBER 16. Week of December 7, 2015 Due Date: Subject: Fourth Grade ELA and Social Studies Reading We are reading The Earth Dragon Awakes in class. This is a story in Think Central.

Test will be on vocabulary words and comprehension on Friday. Read a book at home every night. Social Studies Study the handouts and guides in Social Studies about American Revolution. Social Studies for Monday-Friday Complete handouts given during the week. Monday pages 318-319 These will be read in class. Tuesday Review for Unit test Wednesday UNIT TEST on American Revolution Thursday pages 339-340 - These will be read in class Friday page 342 - This page will be read in class Study all handouts PE Days Tuesday and Fridiay MAPS TESTING Monday- Math MAPS TESTING Thursday- Reading DISTRICT TEST( 2nd Nine weeks) &nb.

This page is a 'work in progress.' If you have any original files you would l ike to share or any good links you think others could use, and I will add them. You are welcome to link to my site and use my resources in your classroom, but please respect my hard work and do not copy my page or files and add them to your website as your own work! All Grades:. Public Schools.

(Portland Public Schools). (Portland Public Schools). (Home page).list of various links of things other than Smartboard files. online games. Cheryl Tice. (wonderful site) Fourth Grade:.

trifolds. (scroll down).Study Guides. (SMART Response files only).

Contributed by James Pluskota: Assessment Forms. File Downloads by Units Hints:. Send the Skills & Words for Stories sheet home on Monday for the students to use as a study guide at home. Print each category (spelling words, vocabulary words, other vocabulary words) of word cards on a different color of paper. Print the definitions on white paper, cut apart, and tape together to fit into a pocketchart. Use a Fiskar paper cutter (used for scrapbooking) to cut word cards and definitions apart.

When finished with the story, put all cards and definitions into a small manila envelop. Unit 1. Study Guide. Unit 2. Study Guide.

Study Guide. Unit 3. Study Guide (corrected). Story Words & Skills 2014 Edition - Study Guide. Contributed by Lori Franks. Unit 4.

Study Guide. Unit 5. Study Guide. Unit 6.

Study Guide. Contributed by Kelly Davis:.

6 words & definitions. 6 words & sentences. 6 words, definitions, & sentences Organizing RS Materials:. Lesson Plans:. Curriculum Guides and Alignment - Reading/Language Arts - objectives for each story matched to the Alabama Course of Study (taken from the website).

Scroll down and find the grade level. Contributed by Rebecca Boehler.

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