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Land Survey Review Manual

Land Survey Review Manual 4,4/5 745 reviews
  1. Land Survey Review Manual Buckner
  2. Land Survey Review Manual 3rd Edition

Product Description This manual provides a review for land licensing examinees, a reference for surveyors and students, and a summary of the profession of surveying for others. Multiple choice questions follow the review of each subject. At the end of each chapter, these questions and problems are explained and/or solved. The explanations often have additional teaching points. A unique feature is discussion of the many 'logical distractors' in the multiple choice questions. The purpose of this is to develop skills in analyzing multiple choice questions as well as provide additional teaching points. This book provides an excellent review of surveying for anyone taking the Professional Land Surveyor Exam or California Special Civil Exam for surveying.

BucknerManualLand survey review manual pdf

Land Survey Review Manual Buckner

The writing style is friendly and easy. All aspects of Surveying covered including law, measurement and calculations. Many practice questions with answers. An unusual feature is that the practice question are learning tools, new ideas are introduced throught the questions, forcing you to think in order to understand. Detailed index, bibliography for further study and a description of the NCEES exam format. I purchased this book in 2004 in preparation for the National PLS Exam after failing the exam by 3 points on the first attempt.

Land Survey Review Manual 3rd Edition

In my opinion, the most useful parts of this manual are the sample questions and answers along with Appendix B 'Preparing for and Taking Examinations' where the author breaks down the multiple choice format. I would highly recommend this review manual for anyone preparing for the National PLS exam or even the new test format that will be given on the 2012 CA State Specific exam. Even though we have no idea what the test format will be for the 2012 State Specific Exam, this book will prove to be a valuable resource particularly for the multiple choice questions. I would also recommend this manual for Civil Engineers taking the survey portion of their exam.

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