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Haynes Manual For Audi A4 2017

Haynes Manual For Audi A4 2017 3,9/5 9217 reviews
  1. Haynes Manual For Audi A4 2017 Mmi

'Thank you for your inquiry. 'The CR-V is a popular model, so more than likely there will be a manual for it. But for now, there is no projected date established for the release of that manual. However, you can go to the Home Page and check the New and Upcoming Titles and Updates link from time to time.


Manual for audi a4

Generally manuals take a couple years after the vehicles' release date to be published. We actually just released a manual covering the 2016 CR-V a few months ago. 'Again, thank you for your interest in Haynes automotive/motorcycle manuals!'

Haynes Manual For Audi A4 2017 Mmi

I am thinking the 2017 manual will take longer to release as it's a total new design? They won't be building on the previous design. Just guessing at that. The subscription to techinfo site at Honda is expensive. ( Good suggestions from someone in the thread about extended warranties on how to use the site and perhaps print off what you can get within reason.

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