. Does the Cmsmart Bookstore charge sales tax? Sales tax is charged on all orders shipped to addresses in California. During the checkout process you will be able to see the amount of sales tax charged. What forms of payment does the Cmsmart Bookstore accept?
The Cmsmart Bookstore accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit card payments online. In the future our website will also be able to accept payments by student accounts, campus department accounts and Bookstore gift cards.
When are confirmations sent out? Order confirmations are sent to you automatically via e-mail when your order is placed. You will receive an additional email confirmation when your order has been shipped.
When can I order from the Cmsmart Bookstore Website? You can place orders for merchandise and general books on the Cmsmart Bookstore website at any time. There may be certain features of our website, such as text book reservations, that are only available during certain dates. Please note that we occasionally perform system maintenance around 3:00am Pacific Time and our system may be unavailable around that time. We do not expect our system to be down for more than 10 minutes during these maintenance operations.